Fusilli with Salmon and Balsamic
Bring 12 oz of pasta in salted water to a boil. Drain when al dente and add a little olive oil or butter to prevent sticking. Meanwhile, saute one half chopped onion in two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, cook for a few minutes until tender. Add 5 tablespoons of cream, 1 lb. of […]

Tagliolini with Balsamic
Bring 12 oz of pasta in salted water to a boil. While the pasta is cooking, soften a sliced shallot in a pan with butter over low heat. Saute 4 oz of chopped pancetta with the shallot. When browned, add 3.5 oz of sweet cheese soft paste, like provolone, cut very fine. Add three tablespoons […]

White risotto with Balsamic
For the preparation of the “White Risotto with Balsamic Vinegar” follow the same cooking procedure of teh Dark Risotto,use the same ingredients and quantities, but substitute the red wine with white wine and beef broth with chicken broth. The other difference in this recipe consists in adding the Balsamic Vinegar, when the cooking time has […]

Dark risotto
In a casserole saute a finely shredded shallot, a bay leaf and a sprig of rosemary in 2 oz of butter. Add one cup of Arborio rice and let it brown for a minute. Add a cup of beef broth and when it comes to a boil, pour in about half liter of red wine […]

Omelette with Vegetables and Balsamic
Slice two onions and one zucchini. Sauté in extra virgin olive oil then drain. Beat 6 eggs with 7 oz grated Parmesan. Combine the vegetables and egg mixture. Pour into lightly greased non-stick skillet and cook until both sides are well browned. Turn off the burner and dress the omelette when still hot with two […]

Prosciutto with Balsamic Vinegar
Arrange slices of prosciutto or bresaola (lean beef) on a plate; season with pepper, garnish with grated cheese (we recommend Parmesan cheese), chopped arugula and thin slices of raw button mushrooms. Dress with Cavedoni Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and extra-virgin olive oil. If you like, you can roll up the slices of prosciutto with […]

Parmesan cheese with Balsamic vinegar
Cut the Parmesan cheese into flakes, put them on tooth-picks, arrange them on a plate and a few minutes before serving, dress them with Cavedoni Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.