Fried Ricecakes with Balsamic

Put in a bowl 7 oz of cooked rice (risotto is particularly recommended), 3 eggs, 5 or 6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, 2 handfuls of stale bread, and grated nutmeg, pepper and salt ; mix all the ingredients until you get a consistent dough, but not hard, not too runny; form into flat cakes. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. Prepare in a casserole a bechamel sauce as follows: melt 1 oz of butter, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a half tablespoon of flour. Gradually add 1.5 oz milk and 4 spoonfuls of Cavedoni Balsamic Vinegar of Modenasalt and pepper. Stir constantly so as not to form lumps. Sprinkle the warm ricecakes with the sauce.