Zucchini Flowers Fried in Balsamic Scented Batter

Remove the stems and pistils of 12 zucchini (or pumpkin) flowers. Gently wash the flowers and let dry on a towel. Prepare a runny batter with 1 egg, flour, salt and 2 tablespoons of Cavedoni Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. Soak the zucchini flowers in batter and fry them in plenty of hot oil. Remove them from the pan when they are well crisp, drain them on paper towels and serve hot, drizzling the zucchini flowers with a few drops of Cavedoni Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and a pinch of salt. The same batter can be used to prepare a stir-fry with vegetables: zucchini sticks, eggplant slices (cut and left in salt for a couple of hours), pieces of cauliflower, artichoke hearts, and slices or strips of potatoes (previously boiled ten minutes in salted water). Serve the same way as the zucchini flowers.